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Working safely through Coronavirus (Covid-19)

We understand how hard things are at the present time and that you will be concerned for the safety of your families and your employees.

The government has similar concerns for the safety of your employees and has tasked the HSE to monitor safety standards within businesses at this time. To this end, the HSE has been provided with an additional £14m of funding to pay for more telephone agents, inspectors and equipment. Inspectors have been told to get out into the workplace and make sure standards are being maintained, in terms of normal work activities, and raised, where necessary, to protect the workforce.

As is normal, the HSE won’t say where they are going to go or when. Their presence therefore looms over us all. Whilst all we can do is strive to do what’s reasonable and proportionate for the protection of everyone, you should be aware that there is the potential that your decisions could be questioned.

You should also be aware that the HSE have set up a new report line specifically for employees to report concerns that employers aren’t doing enough to protect them from COVID-19. It is inevitable that any reports to this new line will raise suspicions and questions, again, will be asked. At the heart of the matter is the government’s advice on how to work safely during this outbreak (

At ProAktive, we have tailored our advice to suit your sector. If you require any further advice on how best to protect your people and your business, get in touch with us. We’re here to take your call and are set up to discuss over a video call if you would prefer.

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