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Work Equipment Safety – Are you doing all you can?

If you own, operate or have control over work equipment you will have duties under the Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998.

To help ensure you are fulfilling your duties under the regulations, and keeping your employees safe, you should ask yourself the following questions:ClaimsManagerPic

  • What dangers does the machinery/work equipment present?
  • Is equipment complete (are all safeguards fitted and free from defects)?
  • Is there a safe system of work in place?
  • Was the equipment installed properly and is it stable?
  • Is the right machine being used for the job that is being carried out?
  • Is it CE marked / declaration of conformity / instructions in English?
  • Is access to dangerous parts prevented?
  • Have employees been given information, instruction and training?
  • Are control switches clearly marked?
  • Is there an emergency stop button?
  • Are operating controls designed and placed to avoid accidental operation?
  • If controlled by programmable electronic systems, are all changes to programmes carried out by a competent person?
  • Is the area around the machine clean, tidy and free from obstructions / slip and trip hazards and is it well lit?
  • Is the equipment maintained?
  • What arrangements are in place for maintenance?
  • Who carries out maintenance?
  • How often is maintenance carried out?
  • Is there a procedure for reporting damaged / faulty equipment?

KS HeadShot HatThe best way to protect your employees from injury from a machine or piece of equipment is by preventing access to dangerous parts of the equipment.

If you feel you and your business would benefit from talking to us about work equipment safety or any other aspect of health & safety management, please contact our team on 01302 341344.


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