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Slips, Trips & Falls: The most common cause of injury in the workplace.

Slips and trips are the most common cause of injuries in the workplace—over 10,000 workers suffered a serious injury due to a slip or trip last year. They can also lead to other types of serious accidents, such as falls from height. However, by following our safety policies and procedures, the majority of slips and trips can be avoided.

Slips and trips typically occur because of factors such as the following:

  • Failing to clean a contaminant on the floor
  • Leaving clutter and cords in passageways
  • Wearing unsuitable footwear
  • Working with fatigue or distractions
  • Disregarding the surrounding work environment

Do your part to reduce hazards

Preventive actions and caution can go a long way toward keeping your co-workers safe. Use the following tips to help prevent slips and trips in your workplace:

  • Report any accident or near-miss promptly. This can help prevent any future incidents.
  • Make arrangements for the clean up off any spillages promptly.
  • Any damage to floors or mats needs to be reported promptly, making sure the floors are clean and dry.
  • Work areas are to be tidy and free from rubbish and debris.
  • Items on the floor need to be removed or placed in a safe location so they are not in the way.
  • Correct PPE, such as suitable footwear, should be worn where required. Any faulty or damaged PPE should be reported to the manager.
  • Any work situation that your staff feel is unsafe or dangerous should be reported. If a workplace hazard is spotted that could lead to a slip, trip or fall, a manager should be alerted immediately.

ProAktive are dedicated to ensuring the health and safety of all your workers and take this responsibility seriously. If you have any questions concerning slips and trips or workplace health and safety, please contact us today on 01302 341344.

By Ken Stevens


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