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More Than 1,100 Construction Sites Fail Safety Checks

The HSE has announced that more than 1,100 construction sites failed safety checks during its “safer sites” initiative in September. During the month long safety drive, poor standards and dangerous practices were found at nearly half of the building sites that the HSE visited.
The most recent campaign involved unannounced inspections and enforcement at sites across the UK. During this period HSE Inspectors visited 2,607 sites where refurbishment or repair work was taking place. The HSE state that basic safety standards were not met on 1,105 sites. On 644 sites, practices were so poor that enforcement action was necessary to protect workers; 539 prohibition notices were served ordering the immediate cessation of activity and a further 414 improvement notices were served.

The focus of the September initiative was on the main causes of accidents and ill health in refurbishment, including falls from height, site good order, structural stability, asbestos, respirable silica and welfare.

The HSE are demonstrating that they will not hesitate to use enforcement action where safety standards are not being upheld.

If you would like to know more about improving your health and safety management, please contact us.


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