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Employee Engagement = Employee Retention

January can be a difficult time for individuals; the end of the festive period, cold days and dark nights, some have business targets that start afresh and of course we add another year where most are predominantly working from home into the mix. Add to this what the HR industry is calling ‘The Great Resignation’ and a ‘recruitment crisis’ and you have the perfect storm.

It has never been more important to ensure that employees are HAPPY – this means that they are engaged and motivated and like the company that they work for – it’s as simple as that!

When individuals don’t feel supported by their employer during these difficult times, perhaps don’t feel ‘connected’ to the organisation that they work for, and don’t feel invested in or listened to, not only are they likely to become demotivated and less productive, leading to lower output and attendance rates, but they are also more likely to look for another job.

In a labour market as difficult at is now, it has never been more important to keep good people.

It is easy for us to make assumptions as to why individuals aren’t engaged and as managers and leaders, we all have lots of things to do; taking time out to meet with employees regularly can be a challenge but there is no substitute for finding the time to have 1-2-1 meetings. A staff satisfaction survey can be a good tool to gain feedback across the board and can help highlight individual issues, as well as themes and trends that can be addressed.

Listening to and understanding our employees can be a very effective way of understanding more about what makes them tick and more importantly, whether we are delivering on their expectations. Gaining information about personal aspirations, management support and flexibility ideals can help make informed decisions about actions and future plans. Not everything can be implemented but it opens the line of communication and helps employees feel that they can contribute and have a voice. Ultimately, where there is a real mutuality and respect in the employment relationship, there is usually high staff retention and productivity.

Staff Satisfaction or Engagement Surveys are also a way to collect employees views about what can be changed and to gather ideas that can help improve the business.

Watch our 1-minute video on YouTube to find out more:

For help with Staff Satisfaction / Employee Engagement Surveys, please contact Kris Kerins at [email protected]

By Rachel Storey Dip CII  –  HR Support and Business Development


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