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Can We Deliver A Case Of Fine Wine To Your Door?

Ever wondered if there was an easier solution to sorting out all your personal insurances?

Are you fed up with:

  • Lots of different renewal dates for your household, cars, holiday homes, travel etc
  • Not really knowing what you’re covered for!
  • Speaking to a different person each time you phone the broker/insurer
  • How time consuming it all is
  • Worried about forgetting a renewal date

At ProAktive, the Private Client team care about your needs and can offer you a bespoke insurance solution, providing an insurance portfolio; one policy and one renewal date to cover your household insurance, holiday homes, cars, travel and even yachts.  We will come to your home to sort everything out for you, taking the hassle out of insurance!

wineGlassesFor the month of August every new piece of portfolio business written will receive a case of fine wine delivered to your door.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please contact Clare on tel: 01302 346835 or mobile  07966 240530.


picture source: stock xchng



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