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Winter Motoring Tips – our guide to not getting caught out.

As we are bound to be hit with bad weather this season, our claims manager, Ian Stephenson, has put together a brief but helpful guide to getting drivers through the Winter months. Safely.

Think like a cub scout…”be prepared.” 

You need to take extra care when driving in Winter. Whether a short trip or a long journey, rain, wind, fog, ice and snow can make driving treacherous, day or night.

Make sure that you and your car are well prepared and in tip-top condition – take heed of weather reports.

  • If the forecast is really and only drive if you absolutely have to.
  • If you drive in atrocious conditions then follow these tips:

Watch out for you and your car

  • Do you have breakdown cover?
  • Travel with a supply of drinks and snacks –   pack a thermos and some warm clothing. Be prepared to spend longer on the journey than normal.
  • Take regular breaks.

Plan your journey in advance and check for closures or diversions

  • Take your sat-nav or carry a road map.
  • Listen to radio reports of traffic conditions.
  • Let friends, family or colleagues know when and you are travelling to.
  • Keep a fully charged mobile phone with you in case of breakdown.

Make sure that your vehicle is serviced and in good shape for Winter conditions

  • Check tyre pressure and tread (spare too).
  • Check your fuel.
  • Check that your lights are clean.
  • Do you know how to change a tyre if you have a puncture?

Watch out in the rain, wind and fog

  • Keep your distance. A wet or icy road means less stopping distance.
  • Slow down in fog and put your lights on! Turn fog lights off when the fog has cleared!

Snow and Ice

  • Clear all snow not just from the windscreen but also from the bonnet and roof. Snow on your bonnet can be blown onto your screen. Police can stop and fine you for snow falling from your vehicle onto the carriageway/other vehicles.
  • De-mist thoroughly before you set off.
  • Drive carefully even if the roads have been gritted. Grit only works down to a certain temperature.
  • Keep your distance.

By Ian Stephenson



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