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Water damage claims on the rise!

We are seeing a large rise in the number of water damage claims submitted at the moment. In fact water damage claims are responsible for the third largest number of homeowner claims in the insurance industry today.

Plastic pipes do seem to be a common theme amongst the claims and unfortunately they are being used more and more due to the fact they speed up the process of installation.  However unless they are fitted correctly they do seem to cause problems.

The damage alone can cause devastation and put an incredible amount of stress on everyone involved without the additional worry of finding alternative accommodation.  However, I am delighted to advise you can now have complete peace of mind by installing an automatic water shut-off system.  It is designed to afford 24/7 protection by detecting leaks and minimising any damage by stopping the spread of leaking water before it can cause catastrophic damage to your home…and the good news is it’s at an affordable price!

Clare CarbyHeadShotIf you are interested in having an automatic water shut-off system installed we would be delighted to recommend a number of suppliers approved by insurers.

Our Private Client Team

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