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Travel Insurance: You Get What You Pay For!

As we gradually claw our way out of this most recent ice age one’s mind naturally drifts towards the idea of a well earned holiday.

When doing this travel insurance often remains on the periphery of the mind as we lose ourselves in the where’s, who’s and what-to-do’s of planning a break.

Travel insurance isn’t just that tedious little thing you remember to set up on the phone as you enter the departure lounge. Nor is it merely a question of a winter sports or no winter sports extension.

The fact of the matter is that up to a quarter of travellers go on holiday overseas without having arranged any form of personal protection cover at all.

Now while the majority of us would not be so cavalier as to neglect to arrange any travel cover, it’s important to know what we are covered for exactly, and to what limits we are insured as you get what you pay for!  Buying the cheapest travel policy is definitely not recommended.   The thought of being stranded in a foreign country with inadequate medical cover is not a nice one.

Research for example has found that a person who comes down with an illness whilst enjoying a trip abroad over the summer might have to pay an extra £900 on average in holiday related costs.

Indeed, when arranging travel insurance it’s essential to ensure that medical expenses are sufficient as emergency surgery abroad (particularly the U.S) can cost thousands of pounds.

The same ethos is equally applicable to your cancellation and curtailment costs as many companies don’t provide a sufficient limit to cover the cost of your holiday.

There are a number of different methods of taking out travel insurance from the single trip policy to having an annual policy included on a high net worth household insurance or if you are a director of an Ltd company we can offer a group business travel insurance policy that covers trips abroad the directors and staff for business trips and also extends to include directors, their partners, children and a salaried domestic member of staff for personal holidays.

Fundamentally though, while not as fun as planning what you will actually do on your holiday, arranging adequate travel cover will undeniably grant a peace of mind that will enable you to enjoy your trip all the more.

By Clare Carby


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