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The Importance of the Induction Process

The recruitment process can be a long and exhaustive one, especially at a time where the labour market is difficult. It’s easy to think that it’s ‘job done’ when you finally land the ideal candidate. However, it’s just the start. At a time when getting the right person is so tough, it’s vital to keep them. 

A good induction process is a way of welcoming your new employee to the company and if this is done well, they will feel more integrated into the business, more at ease with what’s expected of them and much more part of the team from the off. In return this will allow new employees to contribute more effectively to the business and perform well, much sooner. 

But what should be included as part of the induction process? 


  • Organisation Information, Company purpose and culture, vision and values:

The more an individual understands how things generally work around your workplace, the company structure, the company’s journey and the company’s aims and goals, the more the individual feels part of something. Understanding the Company’s purpose and how an employee fits into this and can contribute is a key factor in employee engagement and retention.

  • Role specific information:

The sooner the individual knows what is expected of them, what their role entails, how the team works and has a clear understanding of their responsibilities, the more effective they can be from the start of their employment.  

  • Health and Safety and compliance:

A vital part of making sure the employee and their colleagues are kept safe from the start of their employment includes discussing health and safety in the workplace. This includes sharing with them the key risks in the business (risk assessments), providing them with appropriate PPE and informing them of safety procedures and information. It also demonstrates to the individual that as a company, the health and wellbeing of individuals is a priority. 

  • IT and Facilities:

Making sure the new starter can hit the ground running and be effective and productive from day one is so important. Good communication and training play a crucial part of this.  

  • Policies and Procedures:

An employee handbook which captures the policies and procedures is a helpful document to share with the employee at induction. This ensures that the employee knows what is required and how to deal with things like holidays and absence notifications. It will also inform the employee of their statutory rights and entitlements.   

  • Company Benefits:

Discussing the benefits your company may offer, such as flexible working, additional holidays but also the processes that support these, will enforce the value of working for your company. Outlining clear procedures and policies for the business including disciplinary and grievance, social media policies, absence and sickness policies and procedures makes future management of these areas much easier and more efficient, if and when required. 

  • Learning and Development Opportunities:

Discussing the opportunities to progress, learn and develop is key for employee engagement and retention.  


Whilst this seems like a lot of information and does take time, it’s worth the investment and is key to a long, happy and sustainable employment relationship.  

For support or questions with recruitment, induction and onboarding of employees, please get in touch with the HR team at ProAktive or email Rachel Storey on [email protected]


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