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The Business Crime Reduction Centre (BCRC)

The Business Crime Reduction Centre (BCRC) is a partnership with the four police forces in the Yorkshire and Humber region. The BCRC project provides 12 hours of security consultation free of charge to SMEs in the region. This covers traditional security (what the police call ‘locks, bars and bolts’), fraud prevention and cyber security. The vast majority of their recommendations are cost-neutral solutions which have a significant impact on the security levels of a business.

Don’t be fooled in April!

The BCRC is hosting three, free Masterclasses on April 1st 2014 which are designed to help your business be better prepared to prevent fraud.

You can either attend the one that suits your needs or join all 3!

Masterclass 1:

8am-10am The latest scams to hit South Yorkshire businesses (breakfast included)

Masterclass 2:

10.30am-12.30pm Identity theft: Protecting your business’ sensitive data (lunch included)

Masterclass 3:

1pm-3pm Using social media safely and securely (afternoon tea included)

Venue: The Source at Meadowhall, Sheffield.

The Masterclasses are completely free and are tailored towards small and medium sized businesses. Businesses from across the Yorkshire and Humber region are welcome to attend.

You can follow the BCRC on Twitter: @BCRC_News

To register or for further information, visit their website.


By Jon Whiteley

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