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Protecting your loved ones’ possessions.

Your child may have just received their exam results. Couple this with the organisation involved with a teenager heading off to university you may feel like pulling your hair out!

It’s all very daunting if you haven’t experienced this before. When they are ready to move in to their university accommodation  it can also be a very emotional/celebratory (delete as appropriate)  time for parents as we contemplate how on earth we will cope with the peace and quiet and the house being tidy all the time. Asian woman playing with her laptop at home.

One thing that does need consideration, however, is insuring their possessions whilst they are living away.  You may have household contents insurance but does this cover their possessions whilst living away from home?

A lot of standard household insurance policies do not automatically include cover for students’ possessions whilst at university.  If they do provide cover, they often restrict it to low sums insured and will only include theft if it involves forcible or violent entry into the property concerned.

A high net worth policy however provides cover for higher sums insured for students’ possessions and gives broader theft cover and evidence of a break in is not required for cover to operate.  These polices may also provide cover for any unrecoverable course fees etc which you are liable to pay should your child have to withdraw from the course due to long term illness.

If you are unsure if your child’s possessions will be covered whilst they are away or if you would like to take out a household insurance policy please contact us on 01302 341 344 and we will be happy to help.

In the meantime, once they have flown the nest, sit back, relax and wait for the dirty washing to arrive!!

Joanne Naylor – Private Client Handler

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