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ProAktive Pedallers

As the cycling season draws to a close and only those most hardy souls continue to put the miles in through dark nights and grim weather, we at ProAktive reflect on what has been a fantastically successful first year for the ProAktive Pedallers.

Whilst we believed that this would be a good event to get up and running in Sheffield, which is undoubtedly a cycling city, we have been overwhelmed by the support of the local business community in really making these events.  Between April and October we have completed 6 rides, with over 40 different guests taking part across the season, not to mention the ProAktive staff who have helped to plan the routes and lead the rides. CROPPED Pedallers logo

The intention of the ProAktive Pedallers however is not only to get out in the Peak District and have a great ride, but also to add a business dynamic and create a networking group with a difference where the members can make some useful business connections.  As cycling is undoubtedly the new golf, with increasing numbers of MAMILs on our roads every day, what better way to harness this new found enthusiasm for what has historically been a minority sport.

We are going to have a bit of a break now through the depths of Winter, particularly in the Peak District, however the rides will kick off again February time so why not join the Linkedin group and receive regular updates on what’s going on?  Alternatively you could join the ProAktive Pedallers Club on Strava to keep an eye on how many miles your fellow members are putting in over the Winter months!

We aim to keep the event inclusive next year and will continue to offer at least two routes to cater for a range of abilities.  The next challenge is to get some more female members coming out with us!

SL HeadShotI hope everyone has a great festive period and we’ll see you all in the new year.

Sam Leeder.

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