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Have you registered your plant with the DVLA?

Once upon a time, items of plant, such as fork lifts, could travel on the public highway for 1000 yards without having to be registered with the DVLA.

Recent changes to the law means that this is no longer the case and so regardless of how far your plant is travelling, you need to have it registered with the DVLA and a registration plate will be issued. Depending on how far the item travels, you may not have to pay any road tax.

manager talking to forklift operator

You also need to take in to consideration that the definition of public highway applies to every where the general public could gain access. This could be your construction site, builder’s yard or even your car park.

So if you have a forklift or other plant item working in these areas, registration with the DVLA is now necessary.

The DVLA is contactable on 0300 7906802 or

If you have any questions on your plant or fleet policy contact the ProAktive team for advice on 01302 341 344.

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