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Personal profiles: are you more susceptible to crime?

With the current economic disruption, will we see an increase in spontaneous crime? The opportunist who breaks into your property and steals cash, jewellery left in drawers or on bedside tables and any items which are easily accessible will be easy picks.

In addition to these types of burglary, we are also likely to see an increase in serious crime.  By this I mean the sophisticated, planned crimes which include aggravated burglaries, cyber-crime, carjacking, extortion, stalking and kidnap.

Luxury homes and cars are attractive targets for criminals and it’s important that we’ve done everything we can to protect our most treasured possessions.  I’m sure most of us think our homes are secure, however a high proportion will have an area or areas of weakness. In addition to the physical security, it’s really important to have an understanding of our own personal profiles.



Think of your property as an onion; consecutive rings to the centre so the aim is to protect the property from the outside in.  Detect. Deter. Delay.


Perimeter Protection

  • Consider the effectiveness of your perimeter fence/wall.  Ensure there is no vegetation that would assist an intruder.
  • Do you have a perimeter alarm? Does this have voice activation?
  • Do you have adequate lighting?  PIR activated lighting in the garden
  • Do you have CCTV?  Are the cameras kept clean?
  • Do you have a visible alarm system?


Physical Security

  • Do your ground floor windows and doors have adequate locks?
  • Do you have alarm sensors on your windows and doors?
  • Has your alarm been serviced and where does it ring if activated?  If you have a bells only alarm and you are away, who is likely to check?  Consider having it linked to your mobile or centrally monitored
  • Do you have panic buttons?
  • Do you have a safe?
  • Do you have a safe room which the family can reach in the event of a burglary and importantly ensure there is communication available from the safe room.
  • Have you ever considered having a security survey carried out?  They are excellent for highlighting areas of weakness.


Personal Profile

  • Consider your social media presence; be careful what you and your children post as younger members of the family have a tendency to post pictures of themselves on holiday etc.
  • Understand about lowering your physical profile.
  • Be aware of strangers starting conversations with you about your whereabouts, holidays and habits.
  • Try not to have too much of a routine with coming and going from the house
  • Be aware of what you wear in terms of clothing/jewellery when in cities and abroad – don’t draw attention to yourself


If you are about to embark on a new build, this is the best time to look at building in security features like safe rooms and alarm systems.

It’s important to remember that wealth can bring additional security risks; the threat is always there but we need to be able to balance the lifestyle versus the risk.

If you would like to discuss any areas relating to this blog, please do not hesitate to give me a call on 07966 240530.

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