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Motor Claims Made Easy

Did you know that the longer it takes to notify a claim to your insurers, the higher the cost of that claim?

At ProAktive, we recognise the implications of late notification on the premiums you pay and have therefore launched our very own motor claims app. The app enables drivers to collect crucial information at the scene of an accident and notify us and you of the incident immediately. 

This will not only have a direct impact on the cost of your claims but it will make the claims process easier and smoother, giving your drivers a guide in a moment of potential uncertainty and stress.

The cost of fault claims can quickly escalate, this is illustrated in the table below, which is based on statistics provided by Allianz Insurance.

Day claim was notified Third party vehicle repair cost Third party hire charges Third party personal injury Total claim cost
Day 1 £1,500 £500 £3,000 £5,000
Day 5 £1,800 £1,700 £4,000 £7,500
Day 15 £2,600 £2,400 £6,500 £11,500
Day 30 £4,000 £7,500 £8,500 £20,000


The cost of these claims has a direct impact on your premiums. You can see from the above, that even if you only have a couple of fault claims a year, the cost could exceed £40,000 for relatively small incidents.

Our App will reduce paperwork and reduce the time that you spend on completing lengthy forms.

The advantages are:

  • No need for claim forms
  • Easy app-driven process for drivers
  • Faster incident reporting to ProAktive
  • Captures third party information
  • Records police & witness information
  • Accurate GPS, date and time automatically uploaded
  • Assists with reducing third party injury claims
  • Photographs can be easily uploaded to capture crucial evidence
  • Reduces the cost of third party hire charges
  • Recording information at the scene can prove more powerful when defending claims
  • No more old fashioned cab packs

Following the incident a full pdf report is emailed to the ProAktive Claims Team, who will then liaise with you regarding the reporting of the incident to insurers. We appreciate not all accidents involve a third party or require your insurers involvement, and therefore, we will always agree with you the appropriate course of action before speaking with insurers. The reports do not automatically submit to insurers meaning that you still control the process.

The app is easy to download and is compatible with both Android and iPhones. We can provide full training on the app to both you and your drivers.

For help in reducing your claims costs, please get in touch with your ProAktive contact who will be happy to arrange a demonstration.

Don’t ignore a claim – the sooner an accident is reported, the lower the claim costs, the better the result!

By Leah KendallAccount Executive


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