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Level of injuries and ill-health in the food and drink sector revealed

Hundreds of workers in the UK food industry are likely to suffer an over-three-day accident during their working lifetime, according to the results of an annual survey on occupational injuries and ill health in the food and drink industry.

The study reveals there were two deaths, 133 major injuries and 767 over-three-day injuries in the sector in 2011/2012.  These findings come from 63 companies, employing almost 85,000 staff; in all this equates to around 17% of the food and drink workforce.  The survey, which was commissioned by the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health, aims to raise awareness of the risk within the industry.

Slip, trips and falls on the same level were the top cause of major, over-three-day and lost-time accidents, while being injured whilst handling, lifting or carrying came a close second.  Falls from height accounted for a significant number of major, over three day and lost time accidents and being struck by, or against objects was also a key cause of over-three-day and lost time incidents.  The HSE and local authority enforcement officers are paying particular attention to the risk of slips, trips and falls in the industry and have launched the ‘Shattered Lives’ website to provide information and education to employers on what they need to do to manage risk.

For employees who are aged under the age of 18 years old there are rules which require employers to carry out a ‘Young Persons Risk Assessment’ so you can identify whether their lack of experience in a work situation puts them at greater risk of injury or ill health.

ProAktive have experience in helping clients in your sector to sensibly manage risk and enable you to document your  health and safety management regime, so if the worst happens you can feel confident when you have to deal with a claim.


picture source: HSE Shattered Lives campaign.

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