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Internet Explorer’s Use-after-free Vulnerability

Just a couple of weeks after news about the Heartbleed bug wreaked havoc in the Internet security world, another serious vulnerability has been discovered, this time affecting Microsoft’s Internet Explorer (IE). This particular flaw is a ‘use-after-free’ vulnerability, allowing hackers to inject malware
into certain websites and then trick users into visiting those websites through spam emails or social engineering. The hackers can then gain total access of a user’s system, and from there they can
install more malware and view, change or delete data. The more administrative privileges a user
has, the worse a possible attack can be.Hackers often use Adobe Flash Player as a gateway for an attack. Note that the vulnerability is not in Flash itself—the vulnerability relies on an IE flaw
that is used to corrupt Flash and bypass Windows security protection. 

Are You Affected?

IE versions 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11 are all affected, although attacks are currently targeting versions 9, 10 and 11. However, that does not mean versions 6-8 are safe. 2013 data shows that targeted IE
versions account for just over a quarter of the Internet browser market share. Including IE versions 6-8, IE accounts for more than half of the world’s browser market share. Currently, all users of IE versions 6-11 are at risk.

How Can You Fix the Problem?

Microsoft has not yet issued a patch for the vulnerability, but one is expected soon. In the meantime, using another browser is the best way to avoid problems. If using another browser is not an option, Microsoft recommends downloading its Enhanced Mitigation Experience Toolkit to limit risk until a patch is released. To learn more about the Toolkit, visit

Users of Windows XP will not receive any patch for the vulnerability, as Microsoft discontinued support for the operating system earlier this year. According to a recent AppSense study, 77 per cent of British businesses are still using Windows XP. If your business still uses Windows XP, it is recommended that you use another browser.

What Should Employees, Friends and Family Do?

Alert all employees, friends and family about the vulnerability and recommend that they discontinue use of IE immediately. Also, remind them of the dangers of clicking on suspicious links
or downloading unfamiliar attachments in their email programmes.




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