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Driving at work policies

When an employee commits a serious traffic offence while driving for work, the HSE may conduct an investigation to determine whether the employee’s workplace somehow contributed to the collision. One of the first things the HSE will evaluate is the business’ driving at work or fleet safety policy, which lists company rules related to employees driving for work. Neglecting to establish a driving at work or fleet safety policy amounts to letting your employees drive for work with no rules. 

To protect your driving employees and curtail your risk of a prosecution, include these topics in your driving policies:

  • Management responsibilities
  • Driver safety
  • Vehicle safety
  • Journey planning
  • Mobile phones
  • Electronic equipment
  • Drink and drugs

Train your employees on your driving policies to ensure they know the proper procedures for avoiding roadway hazards. That way, if your employee does commit a serious traffic offence while driving on the job, your business can show that the employee was trained to obey all applicable laws.

Bolstering Your Business

Even one small collision can have a huge impact on your business—injured employees, broken vehicles, business interruption, ruined reputations and more are all potential outcomes of just one employee accident on the road.

Is your business ready to protect its employees—and itself—from serious road traffic offences? Trust our insurance professionals at ProAktive to find the right policy that covers your risks and bolsters your business for years to come. Call us on 01302 341 344.

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