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Don’t head down the wrong track!

Did you know that the vast majority of insurance policies specifically exclude liabilities arising out of products which are supplied to the Rail Industry?

It is fantastic news that Doncaster has been successful in its bid for the new National College for high speed rail and indeed there is a proliferation of opportunities in this sector and many engineering firms within the Sheffield City Region seem to be jumping on board.


The number of firms engaged with rail has grown dramatically and we hope that your business is benefiting from this investment however you could be exposed to unnecessary risk if your insurers don’t fully understand your product range or wider capabilities.

And it’s not just rail related products. If you supply products or services to the oil, gas, petrochemical industries, power sectors or any other potentially hazardous environments, you should speak to the experts at ProAktive who can ensure your business is fully protected at all times.

AM-HeadShotBy Andy Morley

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