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Does your HR documentation support your business?

2020 has been an interesting year so far, full of uncertainty and is likely to remain unpredictable as we continue towards 2021.

Now more than ever, it’s important to ensure your HR documentation supports the decisions you make and provides protection from the pitfalls that can often be associated in times of change.

Contracts of Employment

As of April 2020, it is a legal requirement to supply every new ‘worker’ with a detailed written statement of particulars (often captured in a Contract of Employment) on their first day of work.

Not only is this a legal requirement but often it is the contractual agreement you have in place which governs how changes to the way you work are dealt with.

Employee Handbook

Your Employee Handbook is the document which sets out the policies and procedures which you expect employees to adhere to and makes clear what the consequences may be if these policies are not followed. Without clear documentation in place, it can become difficult to address problems when they arise.

Induction and Right to Work checks

With Brexit fast approaching, it’s important to make sure that formal induction processes, which include ‘Right To Work’ checks are carried out and recorded adequately. The penalties for employing someone who doesn’t have the right to remain and work in the UK can be severe (including possible jail time and fines up to £20,000) therefore the risk applies to all businesses.

ProAktive Document Review

One way that ProAktive can support your business is by carrying out a full HR document review.

We will look at your contracts of employment, Employee Handbook and Induction Documents to ensure they meet the latest legislative requirements and provide maximum support for your business. Where you don’t currently have documentation in place, we will provide you with a suite of documents which you can utilise within the business.

If you would like more information on this service or other ways in which the HR team can support your business, please contact Louise Turner or Kris Kerins on 01302 341 344.

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