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Do Bloggers & Vloggers Need Insurance?

Everyday there are millions of blog posts finding their way onto the internet, be it in a professional or personal capacity. Within our blogs we see all trends from lifestyle to corporate being littered with alleged facts, quotes, assertions and pictures within them.

Whether it’s a pastime, paid work, or an extension of your business online, you’re liable for whatever content your blog pushes out onto the net from the moment your hit ‘publish’.

As a blogger, vlogger or influencer, the risks you’re exposed to are global. Specialist cover is essential. 

What if:

  • You get your facts wrong or you say the wrong thing?
  • You post other peoples images? Do you have the right permissions and licences?
  • You publish someone else’s content? Who owns the copyright?
  • You’re holding peoples data? How safe is the data of your subscribers  and how good is your Privacy Policy?

You could have a lawsuit on your hands if you find you have damaged the good reputation of someone. Everything you do and say on social media could affect your reputation.

What could you be liable for?

  • Defamation: Saying something on your blog which could damage an individual’s or company’s reputation.
  • Infringement of intellectual property rights: There is very little understanding surrounding copyright status. Every time you post a photo, logo or include copy from another article without permission you are treading on thin ice!
  • Illegal content– Some content is prohibited and can not only lead to legal action but also imprisonment.
  • Harassment – Causing distress or anxiety through threatening, indecent or false communication is a criminal offence which can come with a fine of up to £5000 and a 6 month jail term under The Malicious Communications Act 1988 and The Communications Act 2003.

Carrying insurance cover for these risks could be essential for anyone who could be sued for making a mistake and especially important for influencers and bloggers who are very active online. Call us on 01302 341 344 to speak to us in more detail about this type of cover.


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