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Cyber Security: a refresher

We have previously touched on cyber and crime in our past blogs and it’s becoming more and more prevalent in today’s criminal society, affecting not only the big companies, but smaller private enterprises and private individuals too. With more staff remote working from either home or abroad, it is now more important than ever to ensure you and your staff are aware of the risks.

Did you know that there are over 20 million attack attempts globally each day?

There are multiple ways to try and protect yourself, with up-to-date Anti-Virus protection, Malware Protection, Firewalls and Education.

How do you spot a phishing email or text message? They look just like the messages you would ordinarily get from:

  • Your Bank
  • Suppliers
  • Customers
  • eBay
  • PayPal
  • Facebook & Twitter

Cyber criminals are not only after your financial information, but what is more valuable to them is your own information, or information you hold on others, such as employees, customers and suppliers. This can either be stolen or held to ransom.

Whilst many people and companies think, “it would never happen to me”, it is highly likely that it already has, and you may not have realised it.

Imagine if hackers gained access to your company’s website, changed your access passwords and made changes which could damage your reputation. A Cyber and Crime insurance policy would help you with the costs associated with Crisis Containment, Notification Costs as well as any ransom that may be demanded to release the data or give access back to you.

There are some free resources available online from the National Cyber Security Centre which can help you take the first steps to protecting yourself and your business – see here ( and get your free Cyber Action Plan.

To discuss what covers you may need or to get a quote, please speak to one of our team on:

Doncaster: 01302 341344     Sheffield: 0114 2439914

By Simon Johnson Cert CIIAccount Executive

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